Did I break a promise or was it a heart’s vault,
Everything was so good before the sudden jolt.
It was a bag I use to carry,
Reason for my joy and making merry
Wanted to know what was inside
Whom I can’t see and wanted not to hide
Inside it I had a friend,
We talked from sunflower‘s bloom till the day’s end
It was a gift I got when a child
Had voice so pure and touch so mild
I wanted to peek in, never had a chance
The bag was closed but I managed a glance
Days went and now I could understand …
My friend had some problems with no one to resolve
I felt my pleasure and did let me involve
I made it laugh and cheered the delights
Now we were friends and often had fights
Hard for me, now it has more friends
But It was happy and that was all what I meant
Time was less for us to talk,
Never did it happen that we took a walk
It had its own life and a decided way
These were the reasons that took it away
I was in glee that we still were friends
What if didn’t talk but we do understand
Then the day it was, I saw the bag on a dune
Curious to open, not knowing it was so inopportune
Opened it with a smile, covering distance of a mile
Inside it there was nothing, just an empty bag with someone missing
I felt like it was sad, something not right but probably bad
Before leaving, it didn’t even wave good bye
What happened actually I never knew
But something I got, that the reason was I
Everything around now came to halt,
I could not understand where I was wrong
What have I done and what was my fault
Did I ever break a promise or was it a heart’s vault