Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh God !! .... Ohh who ?

A three letter word, probably the most debated ever. What is God? Or who is God? Would he be somewhat similar to a human ahh! Can I even call the God ‘him’? Or is it something beyond understanding of giant human mind? People have always been debating over this topic ever since they got the ability to interact. A class believes in no God, we know them as atheists, and another believes how anything can exist without the supreme power, everything in the universe is controlled with this omnipresence of power. 

I often wonder how the first man on the earth had ever started his belief or no belief on God. Why anyone would think about something ever if he has not seen it or anyhow not sensed it. We think about something when we know about it from some means, considering myself, I believe on God because I have heard of him via elder members in my family and also I have heard stories about Rama, Krishna, Paigambar Mohammad and many other forms whom I worship as God. But suppose I was the first man on the earth, how can I even think of the God without hearing about him from anyone. The question remains a mystery in itself; it’s not about belief in God rather it’s about the start of belief or disbelief in God.

Was the first man or group of men named their fears as God and started worshiping whenever troubled, as they might not have answers to many of their fears that time? May be that’s why different cultures consider air, water and fire as a form of God as the men then also, like us, could not have any control over these factors and must have often faced natural calamities. Was that the start of God, is it nothing but the name of our fears. We also know names like Rama, Krishna and many others who are worshiped till date. Did they possess the virtue that was worth worshiping? We hear many good things about them, also that was the time when man was considered mature enough to analyze anything around him. So quality of being good, rationality in decisions, compassion and care for others, being against the evil and many more traits like those might have made those good quality people to be worshiped amongst their society. Fear and belief of rational judgment looks very interesting factors which might have started the belief in the God.

Every human being has different level of intelligence than any other, some have much more curiosity than others, they believe in the reason of everything. That’s why we have big bang theory, gravitational law, E=mc^2 and many other discoveries. A group of men among these don’t believe in any form of Supreme power over human being, they can trace out the reason for almost everything that happens and thus remains no reason for them to believe in something above humanity. Atheist, we call those people who don’t believe in God. They claim that the evolution of human being or any form of life can be totally explained with the help of science. But some questions are unanswered for them also, like how the first ever form of life came into existence. What was the cause behind it? Moreover how this universe came into existence? Theories says that it all started with an empty space and our universe is the result of a huge explosion that released the energy which caused the formation of matter that condensed over time resulting into the formation of planets like sun and earth. Further discoveries revealed that the planets are in the groups called galaxies where each planet like earth revolves around one fixed planet like sun for our galaxy; these galaxies are incessantly moving apart from each other with time and with some acceleration. So with this known fact if we go backward in time, something must have been there which must have caused this explosion or imparted a force to these ever moving galaxies, but still unanswered. Was that God who did this, if no then who did?

We are still living with many unanswered questions, many things unexplained and this being one of them. Is there anything which is indeed controlling the whole universe or its mere imagination of human mind just because we are unable to demystify some things and we need a generic reason for our unresolved mysteries? Is it our fear that we worship or is it the belief on goodness that builds our faith on the deity? Who is God?

Is it a creation of human mind or is he the creator of it??