Monday, August 20, 2012


Like the moon behind the clouds, about to shine
Hidden under the Arabian black, was the captivating smile.
Look so gentle and charm so pure.
Big brown eyes enough to allure.

Bewitching hair lingering on her forehead,

Looked like a princess wearing golden thread.
Swinging, her, hair sunk the forehead low,
And the mesmerizing eyes, continued to glow.

Wanted to talk I could not utter a word.

Lost all the thoughts for they have gone blurred.
She kept on staring, with the secret smile,
I remained all wondered, puzzled for a while.

Recollected my senses and I started to talk,

Asked her gently – shall we go for a walk?
Maintaining the silence she did not react,
I was still not in senses, soon realized the fact.

Got in control and wondered where am I?

It was only earth; I was not on the sky.
Laughed on myself as I was acting like a freak,
There were no answers for the pictures do not speak.

Theme credit to 'Sneha Lalwani' !