Friday, May 17, 2013

Midnight charm !


Looking at the stars, staring at the moon,
Beauty of the darkness, seven stars spoon.

Things in harmony, twinkles adorning the sky,
Moon behind the clouds, being a little shy.

Waves of the ocean, giggling in delight,
Quiet, calm sand relishing dim moon light.

A sudden gentle breeze came, riding on waves,
It felt paradise when it touched my face.

With the passing moments the clouds have got dispersed,
In the unveiled, full moon, I see beauty of beloved.

Overwhelmed by the simplicity, I sat for a long,
Kept enjoying the moments, till time it is dawn.

With the aging darkness, appears mist shower,
I walk back home, wondering,
Life, indeed, has so much to offer !


"Don't forget to share the feedback about the post.  keep reading, keep visiting. Enjoy!! "

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Beauty unnoticed !

Early in the morning, out of bed
Outside the door, Sun appears red

Eyes all closed, touch of mild breeze
Nothing to worry, moments of ease

A look around, God’s all creature
A picture perfect, the beauty of nature

Far chirping birds, a sound of silence
Clouds, trees and sky a supernatural alliance.

Gentle push of air, sound of wind chimes
Feel of being lucky, witnessing such times.

What is more to ask, if this is all life
Fragrance of tea, toast and butter slice